Back on the blog

I tried blogging before. Once early on in the blogging days with WordPress. I didn’t post very frequently, nor did I try to drive traffic to it. It served no function other than a kind of diary that I guess I hoped people would just read. Some did. But I spent more time writing the stories I was working on than contributing to a blog. I didn’t see its purpose or think it was important, so it wasn’t. Then Twitter became the way I posted thoughts, ideas, and questions because the engagement was there, and the blog felt unnecessary. Now Twitter finds itself limping in a landscape of social media and tech dystopia, and I realized I want to keep tweeting. But not on Twitter. Does a blog solve that? I don’t think so, but it will become the outlet I use. I don’t know if it will reach 4000 followers like my Twitter had, but at the end of the day, I wasn’t tweeting to build followers. I wanted a community, not a following, so I hope this blog is able to create that in some way.

The photo is of Frances Marion writing, and it’s a vibe.